Genre: Drama
Plot Outline:
Sue (Alice Patten) is inspired by the legendary characters of Bhagat Singh, Azad et al from her grandfather’s diaries during his days in the British Raj. She lands in Delhi to make a film on them and finds those characters in Sonia’s (Soha) friends DJ (Aamir), Karan (Siddharth), Aslam (Kunal Kapoor) & Sukhi (Sharman Joshi). The friends belong to Gen Next who care not about values like Patriotism & Sacrifice. The accidental death of their friend Flt Lt Ajay Rathod (Madhavan) in a MIG Crash and the wrongful blame on the pilot makes them take up cudgels against the corrupt establishment.
Very rarely are movies that talk of relevant values for the Youth. Most of the Patriotic movies are full of either anti-angrez or anti-pak sentiments with heaps of Melodrama thrown in. With RDB, Rakeysh Mehra has made a significant movie from stereotypes. Unlike others, RDB does not have the typical ‘hero’ & ‘heroine’. Aamir and his friends are people the youth can easily identify with. They are simple minded students who live care free lives and they plainly react ‘normally’. Those who have disliked this movie are the ones who prefer stereotyped abnormalities.
Most notable performance in RDB is that of Siddharth whose character grows as the movie progresses. Aamir, of course has been brilliant but looks too old to play a College Student. Some of the movie’s best moments are Madhavan’s proposal to Soha, breaking down of Aamir in Sue’s apartment, Atul Kulkarni’s recital of Bismil’s poetry and of course the last scenes of Siddharth and Aamir. Don’t miss AR Rahman’s youthful and soulful music too! Quotes thrown in RDB include: “There are two primary choices in life, to accept conditions as they exist or take upon the responsibility to change them”. Inspiring, isn’t it? Watch the movie to get charged. This one is highly recommended for those who’re young and those who still think themselves to be young!
Rating: 8/10 – Rocking film for the Youth!
Plot Outline:
Sue (Alice Patten) is inspired by the legendary characters of Bhagat Singh, Azad et al from her grandfather’s diaries during his days in the British Raj. She lands in Delhi to make a film on them and finds those characters in Sonia’s (Soha) friends DJ (Aamir), Karan (Siddharth), Aslam (Kunal Kapoor) & Sukhi (Sharman Joshi). The friends belong to Gen Next who care not about values like Patriotism & Sacrifice. The accidental death of their friend Flt Lt Ajay Rathod (Madhavan) in a MIG Crash and the wrongful blame on the pilot makes them take up cudgels against the corrupt establishment.
Very rarely are movies that talk of relevant values for the Youth. Most of the Patriotic movies are full of either anti-angrez or anti-pak sentiments with heaps of Melodrama thrown in. With RDB, Rakeysh Mehra has made a significant movie from stereotypes. Unlike others, RDB does not have the typical ‘hero’ & ‘heroine’. Aamir and his friends are people the youth can easily identify with. They are simple minded students who live care free lives and they plainly react ‘normally’. Those who have disliked this movie are the ones who prefer stereotyped abnormalities.
Most notable performance in RDB is that of Siddharth whose character grows as the movie progresses. Aamir, of course has been brilliant but looks too old to play a College Student. Some of the movie’s best moments are Madhavan’s proposal to Soha, breaking down of Aamir in Sue’s apartment, Atul Kulkarni’s recital of Bismil’s poetry and of course the last scenes of Siddharth and Aamir. Don’t miss AR Rahman’s youthful and soulful music too! Quotes thrown in RDB include: “There are two primary choices in life, to accept conditions as they exist or take upon the responsibility to change them”. Inspiring, isn’t it? Watch the movie to get charged. This one is highly recommended for those who’re young and those who still think themselves to be young!
Rating: 8/10 – Rocking film for the Youth!